Wireline Services
  Premium Wireline Services offers a full complement of Pipe Recovery tools. Our tools can operate in temperatures from 0° - 500°F and pressures from 0 - 30,000 PSI. Premium Wireline Services has a combined experience of over 250 years in Pipe Recovery. Our supervisors have worked on wells in excess of 450°F and on wells where hydrostatic pressure was in excess of 27,000 PSI.

We have a full fleet of wireline trucks for land and inland water jobs as well as skid units for any type of water locations. Our skids have 35,000 feet of 3/8 500°F line. Premium Wireline Services also offers special services such as pressure firing systems to perforate, punch holes for circulation, jet cut, chemical cut and set plugs. We also offer the downward shooting cannon that can be used to remove bridge plugs and other debris from inside well tubulars.

For more information contact FishingServices@premiumofs.com
Our Services

  Backoff Services

Premium Shurshot

Freepoint Services

Gamma Rays

Gauges and Overshots

Hole Punches

Hydraulic Clean Out Tool

Jet Cutters

Noise Logs




Pressure Fire for Coil

Tubing and Drill Pipe Services

Sector Bond Tools

Severing Tools

Stuck Pipe Logs

Temperature Logs